Students explore career opportunities

Mikee Omega (left) and Sabrina Chan, both 17, St Peter’s College students from Gore, were just two of the many students who attended CareerFest Southland at Stadium Southland this week.

Southland Youth Futures team manager Renata Gill said the regional career exploration programme connected young Southlanders with career and training opportunities across Southland industries.

"CareerFest is an event which helps us to provide this resource on a large scale. We are always looking to connect Southlanders with career and training opportunities and to strengthen the pathway between education and employment."

More than 2000 students converged on Stadium Southland to explore the career opportunities presented by 50 exhibitors from across Southland, which included education providers, industry training organisations, government agencies and the business sector.

Air New Zealand, Fulton Hogan, the Southland branch of the New Zealand Dental Association and Distinction Hotels were some of the exhibitors at CareerFest promoting the career opportunities they offered.

Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) training manager Kane Wyatt said SIT had received a lot of interest in the trades industries from a range of students.

"It is great that more girls are considering trades as an option."