Coffee takeaway bag venture all go

Lorna Argyle with a bicycle-themed coffee takeaway bag she created on her sewing machine. PHOTO:...
Lorna Argyle with a bicycle-themed coffee takeaway bag she created on her sewing machine. PHOTO: BEN ANDREWS
What do you do when you are stuck inside the house with copious amounts of sewing material at your disposal? If you are Lorna Argyle, you make coffee takeaway bags.

During the first Covid lockdown, Mrs Argyle began making the takeaway bags with the encouragement of her daughter.

They worked as a duo for four weeks. Mrs Argyle did the sewing, while her daughter cut the material.

Together they came up with the idea for the coffee takeaway bags.

"My daughter put a few on Facebook and they went," Mrs Argyle said.

At first, the encouragement to create something came because of the amount of material lying around her home, she said.

"I’ve got lots and people give me lots.

"I can recycle my materials and cut down a little bit of waste."

The variety of materials led to a plethora of different designs, she said.

Before the current design was decided upon, there had been many tweaks.

"The first one I made was quite soft because I had the idea to roll it up and put it in the glove box."

People had said the initial design was not firm enough.

"Then I started using interfacing and started making them as they are now."

Nowadays you can find them in cafes across Gore.

"They sell quite a lot from about now onwards," she said.

She estimated she had sold at least 60 since they went into stores, she said.

She had sold to customers in New Plymouth, Whanganui, Auckland, Christchurch and, of course, Gore.

People liked the idea of using them for a coffee run or as a carry bag, she said.

"They sort of sell themselves."

They come in small and large sizes.

A small bag holds two coffees and costs $30 and a large holds four and costs $35.

The design started with two slot pieces and people then asked for four, she said.

"Basically I get a cardboard box, make sure it all fits in, cut it down and then put it together.

"It does take a wee bit of time. Once I’m on a roll, I’m away."