Commonwealth Games: Erakavoic an ace in NZ team

Marina Erakovic.
Marina Erakovic.
Olympian Marina Erakovic has been selected as a member of the first team to represent New Zealand in tennis at the Commonwealth Games.

Erakovic, who has a world doubles ranking of 114th, was named today along with her doubles partner Ellen Barry.

The men's combination of Davis Cup representatives Rubin Statham and Marcus Daniell was also named.

All the players will also compete in singles at the Commonwealth Games starting on October 3 at New Delhi, India, where tennis will make its Games debut.

It has featured on the Olympic Games programme consistently since 1988.

New Zealand Olympic Committee secretary general and team selector Barry Maister said he was looking forward to seeing tennis feature at the Commonwealth Games and that the New Zealand doubles combinations had a unique opportunity.

"Doubles tennis in the Commonwealth Games environment is new and their performances are going to be hard to predict," he said.

"Instead of competing with their usual partners from countries such as Yugoslavia, or Rumania, the doubles combinations will be all Kiwi."

New Zealand Games tennis team: Marina Erakovic, Ellen Barry, Rubin Statham, Marcus Daniell.


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