Cat mural to stay after community response

Keep Dunedin Beautiful (KDB) has revised plans for the George St underpass mural, responding directly to community feedback about celebrating local street art and keeping the cats.

In a statement, the charitable trust said it would preserve the entire original cat mural — a project initiated by KDB in 1989 — while incorporating new elements to reflect the city’s contemporary spirit.

KDB chairwoman Cr Mandy Mayhem said community was "at the heart" of its vision.

"The overwhelming response showed us how deeply Ōtepoti residents cherish the cats. We’ve listened and adapted our approach to honour both the mural’s history and our city’s evolving story," she said.

The project has engaged seven local schools in design workshops, inviting students to contribute their vision of place, pride and kaitiakitanga (guardianship).

The resulting designs will be integrated into the mural, featuring the word "Ōtepoti" and extending the existing mural’s framing trees.

The participating schools are George Street Normal School, Liberton Christian School, Pine Hill School, Dunedin North Intermediate, Sacred Heart School, Opoho School and North East Valley Normal School.

The project has received support in the form of a $6500 grant from the Otago Community Trust, adding to the existing funds raised by KDB.

Ms Mayhem said the project would be entirely funded through volunteer fundraising efforts — a detail the trust wanted to emphasise to the wider community.

Painting of the mural is planned for this summer.

People can contribute to KDB’s Givealittle campaign and purchase T-shirts and other merchandise to support the fundraising. — APL