CD Reviews: Shihad

Every fresh Shihad release is met with a certain amount of curiosity.

The mere fact that they are still at it being one, but for anyone who has been on the journey since Churn, what band will turn up this year?

Well, the good news is, Shihad have borrowed a bit of old, polished it with a crisp cloth and made amends with Jaz Coleman.

FVEY is all about crushing rhythms, but not so you can't dance.

There are gritty buzzsaw guitars aplenty and then there is some of the most bittersweet vitriol that Jon Toogood has penned.

FVEY contains 11 very good reasons why Shihad should check into Coleman's bootcamp next time.

•  Shihad. FVEY. Roadrunner.

•   Four stars (out of five)

Single download: Wasted in the West
For those who like: Nine Inch Nails, Young Widows, Bailter Space, Killing Joke

- Mark Orton

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