Fundraising Gala and establishing partnerships is a priority for new Otago Medical Research Foundation staff member, Tracey Fleet.
The Otago Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) funds world-class medical research in Otago.

Whilst the research funded is undertaken in Otago, there is no doubt that discoveries made are of benefit throughout Aotearoa and internationally.
As no government funding is made available to the OMRF, they rely entirely on the generosity of Trusts, bequests and other donations, alongside their fundraising events. It is therefore important that the OMRF establishes long-standing meaningful partnerships with organisations so that this research can continue.

The Foundation funds two areas – annual research projects to support experienced researchers, and summer research scholarships which give our future researchers the opportunity to work on real research projects, often for the first time.
It’s been a busy 7 weeks for the OMRF’s new Marketing, Engagement and Events Manager, Tracey Fleet. Tracey’s focus has been establishing relationships in the community so that the importance of the OMRF is front of mind and promoting their fundraising Gala which is Valentine’s Day - 14th February 2025 at the Dunedin Town Hall.
Whilst the Gala is a well-known event to many, Tracey is working hard to increase the attendance further, as this will ensure the success of the event for years to come.
“I’m really excited about next year’s Gala. This is a great event to invite work team or clients to as a thank you, or to have a great night with friends or whānau, so I encourage everyone to come along!”
Tracey has lined up a great night of entertainment led by MC Doug Kamo. Matt Chisholm will headline the entertainment with a Q&A on his 15 years on national television, his two books, and leaving the rat race and returning to the country. The night includes a fantastic music line-up – a bit of Broadway and West End brilliance with The Highlights, topped off by cover band, Niche, who will have everyone up dancing all night.

Prof John Reynolds from the Department of Anatomy at the University of Otago will also remind guests of the importance of the OMRF by giving guests a snippet of his research which all started from an OMRF grant a number of years ago. This has now resulted in an exciting new company being established for the development of a drug-delivery platform for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, brain cancer and epilepsy.
Tracey is also securing some great prizes for the live and silent auctions, and promises guests they will have the opportunity to bid on some amazing artwork and experiences.
Tables of 10 are $2,650 and individual tickets $265 (incl GST). Contact Tracey Fleet on 021 030 4900 or manager@omrf.org.nz to secure your table/tickets.