What's On in the world of gardening, design and property...
Today and tomorrow
> Bonsai exhibition staged by the Otago Bonsai Society. Ground floor of the Savoy Building on the corner of Princes St and Moray Pl. Raffles etc. Admission by gold coin. Open Sunday 1pm-4pm, Monday-Thursday 10am-5pm, Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-4pm. Contact Jan, 454-2113 evenings.
Saturday, March 20
> The North Otago Dahlia Society is holding a combined show with the Maheno School in the Maheno Hall, with the show open to the public from 1.30pm till 4pm. Inquiries to Mary, (03) 439-4765.
Wednesday, March 24
> Orchid meeting at St Peter's church hall, Hillside Rd, 7.30pm. Review of 2009 New Zealand awards and some culture. All Welcome. Contact Jan or Graham (03) 454-2113.
Thursday, March 25
> Otago Herb Society annual meeting 7.30pm. Talk by herbalist Tracey Loughran. Herb of the month: dill. New members and visitors welcome ($2). Upper Botanic Garden Education Centre. Inquiries to 454-6966. www.herbs.org.nz
Friday, March 26
> Autumn Plant and Food Fair at the Polytechnic Nursery, Blyth St, Cromwell, from 10am-2pm.
Monday, March 29
> Palmerston Garden Circle's annual general meeting will be held in the Palmerston Community Centre at 1.30pm. Competitions: All four classes. Vege: three tomatoes. A bottle auction will be held to raise funds for the club. New members welcome.
Tuesday, April 6
> Brockville Garden Club meets in the Community Church Hall at 1.30pm. Demonstration of tussie mussies. Afternoon tea, sales table, raffles. Competition: homegrown vegetable. Please bring flowers and a friend.
Wednesday, April 28
> Otago/Southland Branch of NZ Camellia Society, 7pm. Members are encouraged to attend a public lecture by Dan Hinckley at Burns Lecture Theatre 2, University Of Otago, "Plants for gardens: Friends and foes".
• Contact us
To include garden, design or property-related information in this column, email details by noon on Wednesday to odt.features@odt.co.nz or write to Editorial Features, PO Box 181, Dunedin.