Cruise ship death 'not an accident'

The death of a woman who fell overboard from the Pacific Dawn was not accidental but the tragic end to what should have been a memorable family holiday.

The 47-year-old Brisbane mother had been at dinner with her husband before she was lost overboard around 150 nautical miles west of New Caledonia on Thursday afternoon.

As passengers disembarked at Brisbane on Sunday morning, police Inspector Rob Graham confirmed the nature of the tragedy.

"This wasn't an accident," he said.

"Let's be open and honest about mental health."

She had been aboard with her two daughters and son aged 12-to-16 as well as and husband.

"It's a tragic end to what should've been a lifetime holiday experience for a loving family," he said.

"Her husband was standing right next to her when she went over."

Earlier reports she had been sick or fell due to a freak wave were incorrect, he said.

After the woman fell her husband immediately raised the alarm and the ship turned around as a search began.

"We're just lucky that there's not two people missing," Inspector Graham said.

But by Friday morning the search was called off following advice from marine rescue experts.

Police are preparing a report for the coroner.

The cruise operator, Carnival Australia, said it was cooperating fully with the police investigation.

"We will be able to give police CCTV footage providing an unobstructed view of what happened and portraying an obviously devoted and loving couple," Carnival said in a statement.

We extend our deepest condolences to the family and hope that they will find comfort in their grief.

Counselling is available for passengers.

Where to get help

Healthline: 0800 611 116
Lifeline Aotearoa: 0800 543 354
Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
Samaritans: 0800 726 666
Alcohol Drug Helpline: 0800 787 797
General mental health inquiries: 0800 44 33 66
The Depression Helpline: 0800 111 757

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