Silverline Otago aims to combat mental health issues for university students, and hopes its new online campaign will help students recognise they are not alone in struggling with their mental health. The volunteer-led organisation was launched last year when students saw a need for mental health issues to be addressed.
Volunteer co-ordinator at the University of Otago and Silverline volunteer Kasey Miles said she could not put into words how incredible the response to the online campaign had been.So far three stories had been shared on the page, she said.
"Quite often people feel isolated in what they’re going through and our hope is that they will read the stories and not feel as alone.
"We’re hoping it will become normalised to talk about your mental health.
"Our end goal would be that people can talk about mental health just the same as physical health."
The group was hoping to continue the story-sharing campaign indefinitely.
- Emma Perry
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Lifeline Aotearoa: 0800 543-354
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