University strategy still on hold

Progress on the University of Otago’s strategy for the next two decades has been put on hold once again.

A discussion paper, "Vision 2040", which set the institution’s high-level strategy for the future was published late last year.

It attracted more than 70 submissions during its consultation period.

After being delayed by Covid-19 last year, it was due to be finalised at the end of this year.

But the university yesterday confirmed the timeline had changed.

University strategy, analytics and reporting director David Thomson said finalisation of the strategy had been put on hold until new vice-chancellor Prof David Murdoch took up his role next year.

"While there has been significant consultation to date, consultation with mana whenua is yet to conclude, and it was felt important that the incoming vice-chancellor has the opportunity to be full engaged in the final stages of the strategy's development.

"This will ensure that the strategy fully captures his vision for the university."


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