Creep thrills

Otago Museum living environment officer Anthony Stumbo welcomed two new hairy residents to the Tropical Forest yesterday.

He was excited to introduce the Brazilian black and Peruvian orange-striped tarantulas to the exhibit, Dr Stumbo said.

Both tarantulas were given to the museum by Wellington Zoo.

Wellington Zoo received both tarantulas as baby spiders, also known as spiderlings.

"So they are about 8 years old and they still have quite a lot of life to live, so at least 12 years."


Visitors, specifically children, were excited to view the new creatures, especially the Peruvian orange-striped tarantula.

"We’ve already had people come to check her out because she is just so large and colourful," Dr Stumbo said.

"It’s awesome to see the kids get excited about the spiders."

The Brazilian black tarantula was the "upcoming star"

for people interested in

spiders, Dr Stumbo said.

The Brazilian black tarantula had black coloration and was highly active.

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