Fine comedy — and just a bit of ignorance

The first four days of the Dunedin Fringe Festival are over but never fear, there's another week of performances to fray your freak flag.

On Thursday, I saw Auckland comedian Tarun Mohanbhai perform his show Tarun Time at Festival Club to two paying customers.

Hats off to him for performing the full hour to the female doctor and her date in the front row.

After that, Auckland comedian Louise Beuvink had a nearly full house at Taste Merchants for her show Quarter-life Crisis, which had another female doctor in the front row.

If you're feeling unwell, it appears the festival is the best places to have a medical event.

I ended the night with the delightful poetry performance Bollards: The Comedy of Hyper-Industrialisation which I'm hoping will return this week.

On Friday, I saw A Tension to Detail at Fringe Club before going to the sell-out Best of Scottish Comedy II at Fortune Theatre Studio.

On Friday, Scottish comedian Bruce Fummey was in the ODT talking about how Dunedin audiences waiting to buy tickets made his bum squeak, but my spell check changed the word bum to ban.

Well, it didn't matter what was squeaky because the comedy was about 70% full on Thursday and sold out on Friday and Saturday.

I expect the sales were good enough to bring the boys back next year, which is great news, because they're hilarious.

On Saturday night, I saw comedian Ben Hurley at Fringe Club and you know you've had a good night when it ends with a club full of strangers singing a karaoke song to the tune of Africa by Toto.

A walk up the hill to Fortune Theatre Studio to listen to wonderfully manic Auckland comedian Jamie Bowen.

His show was personal without being self-indulgent and it's great to see his edge has got sharper in his pursuit of happiness.

On a serious note, whoever left cut-up posters of Sarah McDougall's festival play Slutty Ladies Garden Party at her gate and wrote the word filth on it, should apologise for being ignorant and offensive.

Or better still, see the show and it might prepare you for A Sanctimonious Celebration of Drag and S&M and The Glitta Supernova Experience ‘‘Let's get METAphysical'' opening at the festival later this week.

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