Fringe from left field

Aiken Hutcheson flanked by Snap (left) and Cameron McLeod. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Aiken Hutcheson flanked by Snap (left) and Cameron McLeod. Photo by Peter McIntosh.

Tell us your life story in 25 words.

I grew up as the runt of the class litter, and slowly discovered being funny was the only way to get noticed, so I honed the skill. Now it's all I can think about.

What is your best personal attribute?

I'd say I'm pretty empathetic. Being able to understand what people are thinking and feeling is paramount in knowing what to say or do to cheer people up and make them laugh.

What is your greatest fear?

A spider scorpion with the face of Steve Buscemi playing the recorder really terribly; and accountants.

What is the best thing about your work as a performer?

Getting to see a whole group of people being temporarily unburdened of their day-to-day struggles, and enjoy themselves for just an hour. Laughter, I find, is one of the purest forms of happiness.

What attracts you to the stage?

A metric butt-tonne of narcissism. It's pretty fun too, I guess.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how nervous are you before you perform, and why?

Depends on the gig, but usually 10. Bit of an adrenaline junkie I guess. It's very nerve-racking to get up on stage with the expectations surrounding stand-up comedy.


Aik 'n' Sides - Stand-up Comedy.

• Re:Fuel, tonight, 7.30pm.


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