Marathon organisers at crossroads over lockdown

 Maria Sleeman. Photo: ODT files
Maria Sleeman. Photo: ODT files
Keep calm and carry on running.

That is the message, for now, from organisers of this year’s Emerson’s Dunedin Marathon, despite the Covid lockdown being extended.

The marathon is due to take place on September 12, but there are concerns the country will not be back to Covid Alert Level 1 in time for the event to go ahead.

Race committee chairwoman Maria Sleeman said organising committee members met on Thursday night to discuss the situation, and decided to meet again this Monday night to decide whether to go ahead with the event.

“We’re at quite a critical stage because we’ve got to order race numbers and there’s a whole lot of money that will need to be committed to the event next week.

“It’s a really difficult time because we just don’t know what’s going to happen. So we thought we would just leave it until Monday evening and see where we stand and where the country is at.”

She said the event could not be run unless Covid was at Alert Level 1, because more than 1200 people from around the country had registered so far.

“We can’t hold it at any other level because there’s more than 100 people, and you know what it’s like running - people are breathing all over each other. It could be a highly contaminated area.

“It’s about whether we want to take the risk that the country will be back at Level 1.”

Ms Sleeman said organising committee members were “really sad” because up until now, everything was slotting into place.

“Everything’s organised and ready to go.

“We’ve worked really hard to get it to this stage and now, all of a sudden, we’re in a lot of doubt.

“We’ll just have to see how things play out over the weekend and see what the situation’s like on Monday night, when we’ll have to make a decision.”

Until then, she advised everyone to stay in their bubble and stay safe, “especially while you’re out there running or walking”.

The event was established in 1979 and is one of the most scenic marathons in New Zealand, attracting hundreds of participants from around the country.

It includes the marathon, a half marathon, a 10km run and a 5km run. The half, 10km and 5km routes all include a recreational walk.

It starts at the new cycle/walk way in Portobello on the Otago Peninsula and runs around Otago Harbour before finishing at Emerson's Brewery, in Dunedin, where a carnival atmosphere is expected, along with food and refreshment trucks, musical entertainment and children’s activities.

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