Special rigs founder humbled, overawed

Giving back ... Dunedin truckie Greg Inch was honoured for his efforts in setting up Special Rigs...
Giving back ... Dunedin truckie Greg Inch was honoured for his efforts in setting up Special Rigs for Special Kids with a Local Hero Award. Photo by Jonathan Chilton-Towle
Twenty-three years ago Dunedin earthmover Greg Inch founded ''Special Rigs for Special Kids'' as a way of giving back to the community.

The annual event brings truckies from around the region together to take disadvantaged children for a truck ride around Dunedin.

Last week, Mr Inch was recognised as a Kiwibank local hero for his efforts to improve the lives of sick and disabled children.

Mr Inch, who has also received a Queen's Service Medal for his involvement in Special Rigs, and been honoured by community groups, said he felt overawed by the attention.

''I was a bit humbled [to get the award]. There are a lot of other good people in the community that do a lot,'' he said.

Mr Inch considered that he was representing the Special Rigs event by accepting the award.

Mr Inch got the idea for Special Rigs from a mate in the United Kingdom.

As a truck driver, he had seen how children looked up to the big trucks and he thought they would enjoy going for a ride in them.

He put out the word, and 120 truckies took part in the first convoy. The largest turnout has been more than 250 vehicles.

Mr Inch has taken part in the event every year since it started.

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