Female quail were introduced earlier this year, joining their male counterparts as well as the butterflies, turtles, geckos and goldfish inside the attraction, but now one has taken advantage of the tropical temperatures by hatching four chicks in the middle of winter.
The Chinese painted quail began nesting near the roof of the three-storey sanctuary several weeks ago, with staff discovering the newly-hatched chicks on Wednesday morning, Otago Museum living environments officer Murray McGuigan said.
"She has taken advantage of the springtime temperatures," Mr McGuigan said, referring to the 24degC heat in the enclosure.
One chick, which measured only 3cm long, proved to be a hit with school holiday visitors when taken out of its temporary birdcage for a brief photo shoot.
However, the chicks would not be put on public display until they could fend for themselves, Mr McGuigan said.