You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. News Dunedin 0 CommentsOne person was taken to Dunedin Hospital with moderate injuries after a crash in South Dunedin at the weekend. Police said the two-car crash happened at the intersection of Andersons Bay Rd and Macandrew Rd about 6.45pm. Related Stories Drunk nabbed for using scaffolding as monkey bars Orcas in harbour 'sight to behold' Caretaker’s 30-year stint at school ending Health star system having ‘mixed effects’ SUBSCRIBER Short-term pain likely result of in-house water delivery SUBSCRIBER Cafe’s first oysters of season sold out in minutes SUBSCRIBER Opposition to DropKicks’ bar licence application dismissed SUBSCRIBER Court hears details of threats to ‘snitch’ SUBSCRIBER Man stomped in Octagon attack SUBSCRIBER Water bills set to double — ‘they ain’t paying enough’ SUBSCRIBER 'Not that safe': Two injured on harbour cycleway Middleditch artworks removed from hospital More