Wash those hands

Foodsafe mascot Freddie demonstrates hand-washing technique to children at Brockville School,...
Foodsafe mascot Freddie demonstrates hand-washing technique to children at Brockville School, Dunedin, as part of the Foodsafe Partnership's national foodsafe week. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
There were a lot of "birthdays" at Brockville School yesterday as 80 children from the junior school sang while they mimed hand washing.

Singing two verses of "Happy Birthday", takes about 20 seconds, the time recommended for hand washing.

Another two verses is required for adequate hand drying.

The hand-washing promotion was part of national foodsafe week which aims to increase awareness of the clean, cook, cover and chill message to help lower the risk of campylobacter and other food borne illnesses during the summer months.

In a presentation to the children, public health, Initial Hygiene staff and Freddie, the food safety mascot, emphasised the importance of hand washing.


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