Health worker Lynn Howie, 46, will be farewelled at a private service at the Kingswood funeral home in Upper Hutt tomorrow.
Ms Howie and her British-born boyfriend Mark De Salis, 48, were reportedly killed execution-style as they picnicked on an isolated beach at Sabratha, about 100km from Tripoli, earlier this month.
The mother-of-two was in Libya to visit Mr De Salis, who she had planned to live with after a UK holiday and her return to New Zealand.
Ms Howie's family, who have repeatedly requested privacy since her death, released a short statement today ahead of her funeral tomorrow.
"Our family has been devastated by the loss of a loved mother, sister and friend. Her unexpected passing has been difficult for everyone who knew her," the statement, distributed by police, said.
Ms Howie's death has been referred to the coroner. No arrests have been made in Libya, Mfat said last week.
- Matthew Backhouse of APNZ