A winning Lotto ticket worth more than $13 million proved to be the perfect cure for its owner's migraine.
The Hastings couple, who did not want to be identified, were regular Lotto players and realised on Sunday they were holding a winner.
"I play my own numbers every week, so as soon as I saw the results I knew we'd won something good – I just didn't know what," the husband said.
"When I realised we'd won First Division I crossed my fingers, hoping I'd picked the right Powerball too - lucky for us, I had.
"My wife wasn't feeling well, so was in bed at the time. It turns out that me bursting through the door screaming, 'We've won $13 million' was an instant cure," he said.
Despite checking their ticket on Sunday, the winners waited a couple of days before driving to Auckland to claim their prize.
The couple said top of their list to buy were new cars.
"We're even staying at a hotel near a dealer so we can start shopping as soon as the winnings are in our account," the wife said.
"We're thrilled to be in a position to be able to share our good fortune and help our wider family and our favourite charities."
The winning ticket was bought at Pak 'N Save Hastings.
The total Powerball prize of $26.4 million was shared between two winners from Auckland and Hastings.
The winners wished to remain anonymous.