Offbeat icecreams test for tastebuds

Irina Tang tries a Greek Salad gelato ice cream. Photo by NZ Herald
Irina Tang tries a Greek Salad gelato ice cream. Photo by NZ Herald
Greek salad, orange marmalade and hokey pokey and bacon are some of the unusual icecream flavours on offer this Labour Weekend.

Despite vanilla and chocolate still being Kiwi favourites, this has not stopped icecream parlours throughout New Zealand embracing some weird and wacky tastes.

Giapo in Auckland central is offering Greek salad-flavoured icecream, complete with cheese and olives.

Customer Irina Tang enjoyed the interesting taste. "I love it ... it's so refreshing."

Hokey pokey and bacon and smoked chilli chocolate infused with tequila and lime, a Halloween special for next week, are also on the menu.

"I'm influenced by anything that is artistic and rad," says Gianpaolo Grazioli, who makes Giapo's icecream.

Village Co-Op of St Heliers in East Auckland offers orange marmalade or spicy cinnamon. These interesting tastes go down surprisingly well with customers, says store manager Don Paley.

"They have to taste-test it first but most of [them] love it."

A Kapiti Coast lemon grass and ginger is available at Lady Jane's Ice Cream Parlour in Rotorua. Store manager Rebecca Winstanley says customers are initially reluctant to try the flavour.

"It's actually really creamy and has real pieces of ginger in it. Customers really like it once they've tried it," says Ms Winstanley.

Hawkes Bay offers malted milk flavour at Rush Munro's, a local favourite.

"You can't find it anywhere else in New Zealand," says owner Simone Forde.

"It's a cult product. People come up to you all the time if you're outside of Hawkes Bay asking for it."

Ice Queen Gelato stall on Waiheke Island has plum flavour, made with plums picked out of owner Ute Bassermann's garden.

"I pick the stones out myself, and it has a fantastic bright red colour," says Ms Bassermann.

Ice Cream distributor Gourmet Foods of New Zealand, which provides icecream for restaurants, has had very unusual flavours in the past, including fig, pistachio and olive oil.

"We take any requests; we can do anything you can think of," says director Mark Scobie.

The company is known for once distributing Speight's-flavoured ice cream to restaurants. The positive response was completely unexpected, says Mr Scobie.

"We did it as a joke, but we got calls from all over the world asking for more."

By Jess Pullar of the NZ Herald

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