'R' driver plates may be tool to cut toll

The Government will consider "R" plates for drivers on a restricted licence as part of a push to reduce the road toll.

Other measures being considered include doubling prison penalties for dangerous drivers who cause death, introducing alcohol-detecting ignition locks in cars, and a zero alcohol limit for repeat drink drivers.

The move comes as a report reveals that high-risk drivers account for just over a third of New Zealand's fatal crashes.

The Ministry of Transport study, to be released this week, examined crashes between 2006 and 2010.

It found high-risk drivers, who included those with histories of drink-driving, speeding and illegal street racing, were responsible for 541 road deaths over the period, or 34% of the total. More than 80% were men, and more than half of those were under 30.

Associate Minister of Transport Simon Bridges said that although the seven fatal accidents involving 15 to 19-year-olds this year was lower than at this time in recent years, the number was still too high.

Targeting high-risk drivers was a priority in the Government's Safer Journeys road safety action plan, he said. The aim was to reduce the number of road crashes and minimise the damage they caused.

Mr Bridges said the Government would be looking at R plates this year but could not elaborate on the concept.

As well as causing 34% of fatal crashes over the four years, high-risk drivers were also at fault in more than 60% of late-night crashes.

Of the teenage high-risk drivers involved in fatal crashes, 48% had licence-related factors such as being disqualified or unlicensed, and 24% were racing or evading police at the time of the crash.

Automobile Association spokesman Simon Lambourne said it was no surprise to see young drivers among those classified as high risk.

"When you look at the stats we've seen over a number of years, that's exactly why we've been focused on addressing the driver licensing system and putting in place some meaningful changes," he said.

"You are at the greatest risk in the road in the first six to nine months after getting your restricted licence and driving solo.

"The bravado of the Kiwi male has been a long-standing issue in road safety and we've tried to address that in many ways,shapes and forms, over the years."

But the AA had not yet formed a unified view on the R-plate concept.

Mr Lambourne said the concept had "some pros and cons" but did not want to comment further until the discussion between the association's districts was complete.

Earlier this month, The New Zealand Herald revealed how the number of teenagers caught drink-driving had halved in the past five years, but those who were stopped were blowing more than twice the adult limit.

Police figures showed a dramatic drop in the number of under-17s caught drink-driving, from 630 in 2007 to 305 last year.

But the amount of alcohol they consumed before getting behind the wheel had caused concern.

Of the 2300 teenagers caught since 2007, 12 have had more than 1000mg per 100ml of alcohol in their blood - more than 12 times the legal adult limit.


Danger signs
High risk drivers

- 82% are male
- 54% (where known) were European, 35% Maori
- 54% of high risk drivers were under the age of 30

Blamed for ...

- 34% of fatal crashes in 2006-10
- 22% of injury crashes
- 15% of minor crashes
- 63% of late-night crashes

Other factors
- 61% had been drinking
- 36% were either unlicensed or disqualified
- 19% had two or more speeding offences
- 6% were either racing or showing off
- 5% were evading the police


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