The Education Minister and the Associate Education Minister have once again had to reschedule a meeting to discuss the school lunch programme, due to a diary clash.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon's suggestion of a Marmite sandwich and apple for lunch wouldn't keep a child full or feed their brain sufficiently, health and education experts say.
New documents reveal the government has set aside $300 million to cover a break-fee with ship builder Hyundai after ending a contract for two new Interislander ferries.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says parents who are dissatisfied with the new school lunch programme should "make a Marmite sandwich and put an apple in a bag".
Associate Education Minister David Seymour aims to get problems with school lunches fixed by the start of next term - but won't resign the portfolio if he doesn't.
Corey Ngaru and his partner Elian Lellimo left recession-hit New Zealand for Australia's Gold Coast a week ago, seeking better jobs and pay across the Tasman.