Mallard kicked out of chamber

Labour MP Trevor Mallard was kicked out of the debating chamber today for insinuating the Prime Minister was a liar.

Prime Minister John Key said Mr Mallard was calling out "your nose is growing, your nose is growing".

He took offence at being called a liar and Speaker Lockwood Smith asked Mr Mallard to apologise.

Mr Mallard disputed using the word liar and was thrown out of the House, shouting "for goodness sake" as he went, before he could apologise.

"To insinuate a member is lying is out of order," Dr Smith said.

He said it was Mr Mallard's manner that resulted in his expulsion.

"The problem at the end there was when I asked him to withdraw and apologise because offence had been taken he started to dispute with the Speaker - I will not tolerate that.

"The Honourable Member (Mallard) will just have to learn to control his anger."

Mr Mallard needs to behave with "a little more decorum" and has to "respect this House and the dignity of this House", Dr Smith said.

"I did not make that decision lightly."

Mr Mallard will not be allowed back into the House until tomorrow.