A poll shows most New Zealanders believe the Government has failed to consult properly over its super city plans for Auckland and an overwhelming number want them subjected to a referendum, Labour's Auckland issues spokesman Phil Twyford said today.
The poll of 2164 people was commissioned by the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development.
Mr Twyford said it showed that more New Zealanders oppose than support the creation of a super city in Auckland, with 31 per cent opposed and 27 per cent in favour -- with the rest saying they are either neutral or don't know.
"Of residents polled within the Auckland region, more opposed the proposed Super City than favoured it in every council area, bar Auckland City. "Residents in Manukau, Waitakere, North Shore, Rodney, Franklin and Papakura all opposed the plan".
Of those polled 63 per cent believed consultation has been inadequate, with 13 per cent believing it has been adequate.
Aucklanders in every council area believed consultation was inadequate with the figures ranging from 55 per cent in Manukau City to 91 per cent in Papakura.
Seventy per cent of those polled believed the Government should hold a referendum on the issue and 48 per cent of New Zealanders do not want the super city model used to amalgamate councils elsewhere," Mr Twyford said.
"The Government has mishandled this process badly and is now giving Aucklanders less than a month to present submissions to the select committee. It's time for a rethink," he said.