It should be clear by the end of the year whether New Zealand's mothballed air force Skyhawk jets will head to the United States.
The 17 jets were put up for sale after the Labour government decommissioned the air force's combat wing in 2001.
A private United States company last year tentatively agreed to buy them and 17 Aermacchi jets which were also made redundant, but the process has been stalled because the transaction needs US government approval.
In a foreign affairs, defence and trade select committee meeting today, associate defence minister Heather Roy said the process of approval was dragging on, but it should be clear by the end of the year whether or not they would go to the US.
Ms Roy later said if approval was granted, the Government and the company in question would then need to go through a negotiating process.
If the sale fell through the Government would have to explore other options, including selling the two types of aircraft separately.
Interest had been shown from potential overseas purchasers, she said.
The Skyhawks have been stored outdoors covered in a protective latex coating and Ms Roy said she had recently inspected them.
Rain had managed to seep into some of the cockpits and there were small signs of corrosion as a result, but they generally appeared sound.
"It looks like they are in good condition for sale," she said.
Meanwhile, Ms Roy and Defence Minister Wayne Mapp will launch a public consultation document for a review of the Defence department tomorrow at Te Papa museum in Wellington.