Port Pegasus plant dismantled

The Otago Fruitgrowers' Association's display which won first prize at the Otago Agricultural and...
The Otago Fruitgrowers' Association's display which won first prize at the Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Association's Winter Show in Dunedin. - Otago Witness, 11.6.1919
Mr D. Scurr, of the well-known local wheelwright firm, has returned to Dunedin after spending three months at Port Pegasus, where he was engaged, with two others, in dismantling the plant of the defunct Stewart Island Tin and Wolfram Lodes Co.

The plant, etc., was brought up to Dunedin by the Kotare. Mr Scurr says the country in the locality is very rough, and great difficulty was experienced in bringing the material to the wharf along the six miles of tram line, which at the last was also pulled up. Bird life abounds, tuis and black birds, between the size of a pigeon and a farmyard fowl, were often seen, the birds having some kind of hood over the eyes, but Mr Scurr says he had never previously seen any of a similar species, and he did not know their name. Traces of deer were noticeable, but no sight of the animals were seen, and apparently they have not yet gained a footing in this locality. Fish were abundant, blue cod and groper of a large size being easily caught. A freezer situated in an adjacent bay is, however, not working, the lack of labour, it is understood, being the cause. There is plenty of timber growing round the bay and Mr Scurr says that in the future a big sawmilling industry will without doubt grow up in this part of Stewart Island.

Aeroplanes a surfeit of riches

The proverb as to the unwisdom or ungraciousness of looking a gift-horse in the mouth might fairly be held to apply to the case of a gift of an aeroplane. But in the case of a hundred aeroplanes, different considerations may arise.Valued though they are at half a million sterling, the hundred aeroplanes, which the Imperial Government has offered to present to this dominion, might prove a somewhat embarrassing gift. Even the Minister of Defence seems to be uncertain whether the gift is one which should be accepted. And if he entertains some doubts on the subject, the public of the dominion may reasonably be excused for wondering what is to be done with the aeroplanes if the Government decides to accept them.

If it is to make use of them it must, as the Minister of Defence observes, extend the permanent defence organisation of the dominion by the creation of an Air Force. It may, however, be seriously questioned whether the taxpayers are willing to incur the expenditure that would be involved in the formation and maintenance of a great aviation establishment.

Home Science donations

The appeal for donations to complete the Home Science Building at Otago University was generously responded to, by citizens who realised the need of that building and the value of the work to be carried out therein. The women and girls of the dominion will be able to obtain there a sound scientific education applied to the pursuits and occupations of a well-organised home, which will give them the wide outlook, as well as the specialised information, which they need for the upbringing of the next generation. In consequence of the generous contributions of the subscribers (which will be subsidised £1 for £1 by the Education Department), in conjunction with the grants made by the Education Department itself, the University Council has been enabled to accept the tender for the completion of the whole building which is now in course of erection on Tanna Hill site. - ODT, 13.6.1919

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