What about the workers?

The Milton pipe band, which played at the town show. Otago Witness, 27.11.1923
The Milton pipe band, which played at the town show. Otago Witness, 27.11.1923
Sir, — I am pleased to see that some of our councillors have the courage to object to the granting of a bonus of £100 to the chief inspector, who recently had £100 added to his salary. What has he done to merit this handsome treatment? If the council has money to throw away, let it reduce the price of its products — gas, electric light, tar, coke, its tram fares, and its rates and then the public as a whole will participate in any concession, and not one individual only. Further, what about the men who worked up to their middle in slush and clay at the southern reservoir while Mr King looked on, clothed in oilskins and gum-boots?

I agree with what Cr Sincock said respecting the salary of the inspector. This officer has been in the service about eight years, and in that time he has had no fewer than three motor-cars, including the new one which he got lately. It might have been expected that one car would last 12 years, with an occasional overhaul. What has the corporation done with the inspector's last car, and why was it discarded? 

Moreover, when the superintendent of reserves — a non-revenue producing department — required a new car, why was a five-seater car provided when a three-seater would have done, as it has done all these years, besides being more economical to maintain. Further, does the council authorise the use of its cars for other than corporation business? I ask this, because I was refused a ride by one of the corporation motor drivers, who informed me that they were prohibited from giving anyone other than employees a ride. I am a ratepayer on a large scale, and I have reason to believe that corporation cars are used for the conveyance of members of employees' families. — I am, etc., Observer

Pernicious literature

A vigorous denunciation of a certain type of pernicious literature which is now gaining wide publicity was contained in a report presented to the Presbyterian General Assembly today on behalf of the Public Questions Committee. 

On behalf of the committee, the Rev. John Paterson proposed that the Assembly should adopt, the following deliverance: "the Assembly calls the earnest attention of our ministers and people to the grave dangers arising from the increasing circulation of debasing literature. In much of the popular literature of the day there is manifest an extremely reprehensible obsession of sex. Some of these publications profess to give scientific enlightenment on sexual functions, the prevention of childbirth, and the like. The teaching of such books is most ominous for the future of human society, and should be severely discountenanced. Others are novels dealing with sex problems, glorifying unlawful passions and belittling the obligations of marriage and family life. Many of these came to us in an innocent guise and are, in ignorance of their real contents and purpose, allowed as reading to our young people.

While we may hope for some safeguards from the recently appointed Board of Censors, reference proves that neither the Government censorship nor official denunciations can crush this evil. We would urge upon parents the duty of protecting their children from the pernicious influence of such literature, but we must prevent the evil by inculcating a love of good books. To this end we urge on ministers and parents the duty of cultivating the love of noble literature in the young people, and upon all Sunday schools and Bible classes to exercise the utmost service in the choice of books for their libraries. We would also urge upon all who have such influence to do their utmost, to see that books circulated by our public libraries are of clean and noble character."  ODT, 25.11.1923