The Catholic Church is set for a year of dialogue, reflection, and quite possibly, change, after taking an official first step, says Joseph Curran.
The Roman Catholic Church's Extraordinary Synod on the Family concluded with an address from Pope Francis earlier this month, in which he cautioned bishops about both the ''hostile inflexibility'' of traditionalism and the ''deceptive mercy'' of progressivism.
Since the synod's midterm report had raised hopes - and fears - the Catholic Church was softening its stance on homosexuality and divorce, this outcome was perplexing to some and disappointing to others.
What happened to the earth-shattering change?It's not over yet.
In truth, this meeting of bishops and Church leaders was extraordinary in more than just name.
It is only the first step in a year of dialogue, reflection, and perhaps, change that will be very important to the Catholic Church.
The Pope encouraged the synod fathers to address all topics with candour and good faith. Nothing was off the table.
The debate was vigorous and public, both inside and outside the synod meetings.
The final document, which did not include the welcoming language that many gay, divorced, and remarried Catholics had hoped for, was published with the vote tally for each section.
Rejected sections were included so that they will continue to be part of the conversation.
We know, for example, that those controversial sections had the support of a majority of the bishops, but not the two-thirds required for adoption.
Rarely, if ever, has a meeting of Catholic Church leaders been so transparent.
And through that transparency we learned something very important - that Pope Francis is not alone in his desire for a change in tone by the Church.
A majority of the bishops in attendance seem to want that as well.
Pope Francis has said he would like to see this conversation continue in bishops' conferences, dioceses, and parishes over the next year, leading up to next year's synod, which will present the results of the conversation to the Pope.
This dialogue will include how to welcome gay people to the Church, and how to remove obstacles to the practice of faith for some divorced and remarried Catholics.
It will also involve the presentation of the Church's vision of the beauty and holiness of monogamous, married love.
This dialogue will be open, spirited and fearless, if the Extraordinary Synod that just ended is any indication.
Pope Francis referred to the synod as a ''journey'' filled with hopes and fears, moments of consolation, desolation, and temptation - including the temptation to be too rigid, and the temptation to be too lax.
The journey of the past few weeks shows us true dialogue is difficult.
It requires thoughtfulness, trust, flexibility, and faith; it risks misunderstanding, hard feelings, and disappointment.
The Pope and synod fathers seem to believe that dialogue in good faith moves the Church to a better understanding of the truth and a deeper engagement with the world.
The willingness of the synod's leaders to engage in that debate and raise those questions suggests that the next year promises to be rich and surprising. - The Philadelphia Inquirer
Joseph Curran is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Religious Studies at Misericordia University in Dallas, Philadelphia.