Big plans in sight for public area

A disused waste-water disposal site is set to become Cardrona’s newest public reserve, and a local community group already has big plans for its development.

The Cardrona Valley Residents and Ratepayers Society (CVRRS) was notified on December 11 that the Queenstown Lakes District Council site on the southern side of the Cardrona Village is to become a new community reserve.

Society chairman Blyth Adams said the announcement was a positive outcome for a community that wanted to plan for the future.

Mr Adams said that CVRRS had been trying for more than 10 years to convince QLDC to turn the old wastewater site into a usable community reserve.

"The catalyst for QLDC’s change of heart was council’s Blue-Green Networks initiative, which aims to establish public spaces at regular distances throughout residential areas."

Mr Adams said the proposed new reserve was just one of several projects in Cardrona’s community-led initiative.