The indoor facility at Alexandra’s IceInLine complex is nearing completion and, all going to plan, will be ready for use in the next couple of months.
Project manager Robert Kvick, who is on the development committee, said once completed, the facility would house two curling lanes to help meet demand among the sports’ competitors.
It will also be able to accommodate the many people wanting to give the sport a go, including school groups.
"We want the schools to make use of it — very much so."
Concrete was poured for the lanes last week, which would be left to harden for six weeks before it would be covered in 20mm-25mm of ice about the end of April.
The first stage of the project started a year ago, but was put on hold due to Covid-19.
Expert technicians, based in Canada, were also meant to assist with the project but were not able to, due to border closures.
The new rink, designed specifically for curling, was expected to cost about $500,000 once completed, which comprises the cost of all the equipment.
The World Curling Federation agreed to help fund the project with an interest-free loan of $100,000, provided the new lanes were used for curling only.
John Campbell, who has assisted the project on a volunteer basis, said there were many other groups and individuals who had supported the new facility, many of which had made significant donations.
Among them are the Central Lakes Trust, Otago Community Trust and Lotto NZ.
"There’s [also] been a lot of things in kind, that’ve been donated, including time and materials."
IceInLine’s existing rink is available to curlers, ice-skaters and for ice hockey games, but is also yet to open for the season.