Mayor urges big turnout for health camp march

Malcolm Macpherson
Malcolm Macpherson
Central Otago Mayor Malcolm Macpherson yesterday called for a big turnout to a protest march next week, aimed at stopping the closure of the Roxburgh Health Camp.

The mayor will lead a march next Friday in a bid to show the Government that Roxburgh, along with the wider community, values the camp and will do everything it can to keep it open.

"New Zealand's health camps are a national icon - we all buy the stamps every year, all believe in the mission and the caring values - and must be safeguarded from closure," he said.

Led by Dr Macpherson and the members of the Roxburgh Community Board, marchers will be accompanied by Highland pipers and other musicians, and reinforced by the staff and children of Roxburgh Health Camp.

Supported by letters of encouragement from every mayor in Otago and Southland, the march would make it clear to politicians and bureaucrats that Central Otago would not let their health camp die without a fight, Dr Macpherson said.

Word of the imminent closure of the health camp came out of the blue three weeks ago after the Children's Holiday Camps governing body was unable to convince the Government to provide an extra $5 million over and above the annual grant of $12.2 million.

The Roxburgh Health Camp was to be the first camp to close if the funding was not forthcoming.

The camp received a last-minute reprieve while a new offer from the Government is discussed.

Children's Health Camps New Zealand had said it's long-term plan was to move the health camp closer to Dunedin to be nearer medical and other required services.

The march begins at midday in Abbotsford St, Roxburgh, and will end at the bandstand in Memorial Park.


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