Plunket to employ hostess for rooms

After much fundraising, a recent community grant has provided the necessary added boost to enable Upper Clutha Plunket to employ a part-time room hostess at the Ardmore St Plunket rooms.
The hostess role was a longterm vision that several members of the existing committee had and was now possible thanks to funding from the Central Lakes Trust of $11,350 for 2009 and the same amount in principle for a further year, Upper Clutha Plunket president Karen Mackenzie said.

The balance of the money needed to pay the room hostess wages - about $3500 - had been raised by the Upper Clutha Plunket committee from a tasting evening, garage sales, raffles and various other events.

The main purpose of the role will be to create a welcoming, caring environment for families in the Upper Clutha Plunket area and to promote the services of Plunket.

Ms Mackenzie said the hostess would work closely with Plunket nurse Helen Umbers, community Karitane Nurse Vicki Topping and members of the volunteer committee.

‘‘This is especially important considering the continued increases in new babies in the area,'' Ms Mackenzie said.

‘‘One hundred and forty seven babies were born in the greater area for the year to July 2008.
‘‘This trend looks set to continue.

‘‘The volunteer committee is hoping clients will enjoy being greeted by a friendly, caring and informative hostess and the role will lead to strengthening families through some added practical support.''

Ms Mackenzie said the managed room would also lead to further information sessions for parents, more coffee mornings, better client communication, promotion of the local Plunket newsletter Count to Five and help with registration for antenatal classes.

She said the Central Lakes Trust had encouraged the committee to actively explore other funding opportunities for the continuation of the room hostess position for 2011 onwards.

The Upper Clutha Plunket committee will employ someone in the room hostess role in December, to take up the position from the end of January next year.

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