A slip on a big hill above State Highway 8 in Cromwell is unlikely to cause any long-term disruption.
The slip occurred on Monday night and was cleared early yesterday.
NZ Transport Agency Otago maintenance contract manager Mark Stewart said a small rockfall near Deadman’s Point blocked the southbound lane of State Highway 8 after two days of heavy rain.
Geotechnical inspections of the site were carried out yesterday and a manual traffic management and stop-go system was in place, but the road remained open.
Last July, a large slip affected SH8 near the intersection with SH8B and the Deadman's Point Bridge.
That slip measured roughly 30m from top to bottom, 20m wide and 15m deep and was made up of schist, earth, tussock and other vegetation.
NZTA used helicopters to drop 150,000 litres of water to help flush and control the slip.