An oil recycling service is being offered at the Waitaki Resource Recovery Park, which has bought and installed a 2000-litre waste oil tank with financial help from the Waitaki District Council.
It will continue a service offered at the Oamaru landfill, which closes next year.
Resource recovery park business manager Dave Clare said the tank would allow people to keep recycling unwanted oil, limiting the risk of environmental damage.
''We will also ensure waste oil is recycled correctly,'' he said.
The new tank met all health, safety and hazardous waste regulations.
The park also had the expertise for day-to-day management - receiving the oil, storing it correctly and recycling it.
Most oils would be accepted including used lubrication oil from engines, transmission oil and hydraulic fluids.
Some substances cannot be recycled, including petrol, diesel, coolants/anti-freeze, some washing fluids and kerosene.
Oil was limited to a maximum of 20 litres, although larger amounts could be disposed of by arrangement.
A small donation to help cover operating costs,
including the disposal of empty containers, would be requested.