The old grandstand was demolished last month and the new build will begin in just over two weeks time.
As the building is now fully funded, the Waitaki Event Centre Trust is working to raise another $4million-$5m to fit out the facility.
It is launching its Purchase a Plaque project next week.
Members of the public are encouraged to buy a plaque to display either their name, their family name or the name of an organisation or club.
The plaques will be displayed in the foyer of the event centre.
The triangular plaques are available in three sizes for $200, $500 or $1000.
There are also six diamond plaques available for $5000 each.
Sales of the plaques were expected to bring in $250,000 towards the new building, trustee Deidre Senior said.
They would be sold on a first-come, first-served basis but there was opportunity for further plaques to be installed elsewhere in the centre.
Construction was just around the corner, so the timing was perfect to start the next phase of fundraising, she said.
"With it becoming a reality, people know that they’re actually putting their money into a real project.
"It’s an event centre, it’s not just a sport centre.
"It is multipurpose and we do hope we can reach some of those [non-sport] people."
Donors whose contributions were bronze, silver, gold or platinum status would have their names on a separate display, Mrs Senior said.
"They deserve a little bit more because there’s a lot more money going in."
Some plaques had already been sold but the remainder would be up for sale next Friday.