Bank to work for Gibbston

Bank of New Zealand employees will roll up their sleeves and voluntarily work on two beautifying community projects in Gibbston as part of a national effort on November 4.

The Gibbston Community Association applied for help from the BNZ Nationwide Volunteer Day on September 25 and was told both applications were approved last week.

Supervised by association members, five BNZ staff will help weed the five native garden beds at the rest area.

They will paint the weatherboards on the stone hut that disguises the Telecom cabinet, and seal the two picnic tables and bench seats.

Another three bank employees will cut scrub on a 1.5km stretch of the Gibbston River Trail, near Waitiri Creek winery, to open up more river views and provide space for five picnic tables.

Forbes Property Maintenance was donating the use of a heavy-duty scrub bar for the day.

Association chairwoman Susan Stevens said she was thrilled both applications had been selected and the projects would benefit the general public, not just Gibbston.

"We are a small community and we do put in a lot of requests for help on a regular basis, so it helps to take some of the pressure off to have someone come in and help with the burden."

BNZ is lending a helping hand to 32 projects across Otago.

They include spreading bark on a commemorative garden and doing weeding for Girl Guiding Otago, plus helping to paint playground picnic tables and the entrance gate at Waikouaiti School.


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