Garden tour benefits Plunket

Photo by Guy Williams.
Photo by Guy Williams.

More than 300 people toured some of the Wakatipu Basin's finest gardens on Sunday and helped raise money for Plunket.

Wakatipu Plunket vice-president Anna Dorsey said expanding the Plunket Garden Tour to eight, including a few new private gardens, helped outdo last year's ticket sales of 165.

Visitors are pictured enjoying Devonshire tea at Chantecler, Mike Henry's garden at Lower Shotover.

For the second year, visitors were able to tour Janet Blair's 5.5ha garden, which is five star-rated by the New Zealand Gardens Trust.

Mrs Dorsey said the fundraiser achieved the goal of collecting $10,000, including money from cookbook and wine sales, as well as raffles.

"It's great that the local community has come along and supported this important event,'' she said.

"We're delighted to be able to raise so many funds to support Plunket in Queenstown because it's such a valuable service.''

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