Skifield fashion

For many skiers and snowboarders, deciding what to wear on the mountain is harder than actually getting up there. Joe Dodgshun went to Coronet Peak to snap some of the more eye-catching outfits on show.

Kathy Brien
Kathy Brien
Name: Kathy Brien
From: Sydney, Australia
Outfit of choice: Vintage Nevica set.
Why: I have had this since 1992; I'm keeping the banner flying for fluoro ski gear - it will come back! I haven't skied for seven years, but I would have worn it [if I had].









Lily Scott-Lysaght
Lily Scott-Lysaght

Name: Lily Scott-Lysaght (6)
From: Christchurch
Outfit of choice: Australian one-piece suit
Why: [Sent as a present from her grandmother in Australia] I like the flowers!









John Haci
John Haci
Name: John Haci
From: Melbourne, Australia.
Outfit of choice: Grenade jacket
Why: I used to have just normal ones so I thought I would get some colourful ones that are easier to spot on the mountain - it makes it easier to find me.








Gabby Buchanan
Gabby Buchanan
Name: Gabby Buchanan (17)
From: Queenstown
Outfit of choice: Billabong jacket
Why: It's nice and colourful, and easy to see as well, I guess. There's definitely a bit of colour co-ordination with the skis.








Patrick Lees
Patrick Lees

Name: Patrick Lees
From: Sydney, Australia
Outfit of choice: Burton comic-print set.
Why: It was actually given to me as a 21st birthday present. I really like it; everyone comes up and comments on it - and it's pretty colourful so at least I won't get lost.









Jack Howden
Jack Howden

Name: Jack Howden
From: Dunedin
Outfit of choice: Groovestar denim-style jacket and pants
Why: I just saw it in the store and really liked it - that and it's pretty warm as well.










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