12 arrests over weekend; 7 people in court today

Queenstown police responded to several incidents during the Winter Festival which led to 12 arrests, nine of them alcohol-related.

Senior Sergeant Paula Enoka, of Queenstown, said the incidents were not necessarily related to the event, and called them the unfortunate actions of a minority ''who behaved in a disorderly manner''.

Seven will appear in court today and five were released after being given a pre-charge warning.

''Over three evenings, 12 arrests is more than we would usually get. There's more people in town,'' she said.

A number related to drink-driving.

At 3am yesterday a 33-year-old local man was arrested on Thompson St for alleged drink-driving after recording a breath-alcohol level of 570mcg.

A 43-year-old woman from Wanaka, stopped driving on the Frankton Rd, blew 785mcg.

Another driver was stopped by police during a random check on Man St. She blew 932mcg.

A number of alleged assaults were also reported.

An 18-year-old male reportedly struck another man in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground.

He faces an assault charge and will appear in court today.

There was also an altercation in Queenstown Mall between three men on Saturday morning and a man in his early 20s was charged with disorderly behaviour likely to cause violence.

His mate, who was also involved, was given a pre-charge warning, after being trespassed from Queenstown police station.

Shortly afterwards an Australian man threw water over and grabbed a security guard after being removed from a bar on Searle Lane.

In another incident, police say a 19-year-old male will appear in court today for unlawfully getting into a motor vehicle.

Snr Sgt Enoka said alcohol was involved.

''He has got into a parked vehicle and fallen asleep.''

Other arrests related to cannabis possession and a shoplifting incident.

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