Every third year the official event moves inland, rotating around various communities in Southland and Otago — the first and only time the resort’s hosted it to date was in 2019.
The alcohol-free event’s being organised by Queenstown’s council and Kai Tahu Papatipu Runaka e Whitu, with representatives of every council in Southland and Otago invited, along with government representatives, and Kai Tahu.
A powhiri will be held on the Queenstown Rec Ground from 9.45am till 10.45am — anyone living in Queenstown is considered hau kainga (home people), and are invited to welcome on manuhiri (visitors) from outside the district.
Then, till 1pm, there’ll be kapa haka and other performances on the stage, followed by speakers for an hour.
The event’s also supported by Manatu Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Community Trust South, Otago Regional Council and other Southland and Otago councils.
Following formalities, kai will be available onsite through local food trucks — people can also bring their own picnics — while there’ll also be a variety of stalls set up.
And all Queenstown regular bus services will be free from 8am till 4pm.
Meantime Mana Tahuna are also hosting a Waitangi Day celebration in the Te Kararo Queenstown Gardens from 1pm to 5pm, where there’ll be food vendors, kai, games for tamariki and live music.