Celebrating the discovery of gold

Gold-rush fever will grip Waitahuna this weekend, as hundreds are expected to visit to celebrate 150 years since gold was discovered there.

Gold was discovered in the Waitahuna Gully in July 1861 by Teviot Station owner Captain Baldwin and Gabriel Read.

Waitahuna Goldrush 150th Celebrations committee secretary Steve Martin said the group wanted to keep the focus on the discovery of gold 150 years ago.

On Saturday, a public day will be held from 1.30pm until 5pm, with wagon rides, sluicing exhibits and a display at the Presbyterian church. A plaque will be unveiled on the memorial at the old mine in Waitahuna Gully that afternoon.

For those who registered for the weekend, a sold-out dinner will be held at Waitahuna Hall, with Waitahuna artists entertaining, and a church service on Sunday morning.

Waitahuna Memories written by Eric Skinner, published in 1948, will be reprinted in its original form and sold as a Waitahuna School fund-raiser.

- helena.dereus@odt.co.nz


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