People on low-incomes living in cold and poorly insulated houses may get a welcome and warm mid-winter surprise through a scheme already proving popular around the Clutha district.
Ceiling and under-floor insulation, hot water cylinder wraps, pipe-lagging and draught-proofing are being offered as part of the Clutha Healthy Homes project, a heavily subsidised scheme designed to make older homes more energy-efficient and help homeowners cut their energy bills.
The programme aims to help 45 Clutha homes by the end of next month.
So far, 20 households have been helped.
Clutha co-ordinator and Bruce ward councillor Bruce Vollweiler said the occupiers of older houses with little or no insulation were invited to apply for insulation packages.
Where possible, insulation was installed.
The project targets homeowners living in pre-1978 houses who have a community service card.
Mr Vollweiler said cold, damp houses had been found to directly affect the incidence of asthma and insulating houses could reduce this and help prevent chest infections and colds.
Clutha Mayor Juno Hayes said the project would have economic, health and social benefits for the whole community.
The project attracted funding and support from the council, OtagoNet Joint Venture, Otago Southern Region PHO, Milton Rotary Club and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority.