Mystery as 100 dead birds found in Wānaka

Dead paradise shelducks litter the shoreline at Dublin Bay yesterday. Photo: Otago Fish & Game
Dead paradise shelducks litter the shoreline at Dublin Bay yesterday. Photo: Otago Fish & Game
Mystery surrounds the discovery of around 100 dead birds, including 85 paradise ducks, on the shore of Lake Wānaka.

The Ministry for Primary Industries is understood to be leading an investigation into the deaths after a member of the public reported the birds at Dublin Bay on Monday.

Fish & Game staff found 85 dead paradise shelducks and a mallard duck on the lake margin and in a nearby paddock this morning, Fish & Game officer Bruce Quirey said.

Members of the public also removed a dead black swan, nine Canada geese, three paradise shelduck and a mallard on Monday.

The swan, a Canada goose and some of the paradise shelducks were handed to a veterinarian contracted to MPI for post-mortems and toxicology tests.

Fish & Game staff inspecting the site saw no signs of physical injury causing the birds’ deaths. 

Members of the public were advised not to touch any more of the dead birds, but to keep pets away and advise authorities.

“It’s disappointing to see so many birds gone to waste this close to the opening of the game season in May,” Mr Quirey said.