About 50 pupils from Waihopai School had a tennis lesson at Stadium Southland yesterday with Davis Cup New Zealand team members Rubin Statham, Artem Sitak, Ajeet Rai, Isaac Becroft and Finn Reynolds as well as team captain Kelly Evernden.
The players will be competing against Thailand when the Davis Cup tie starts in the city on Friday.
The pupils had the chance to learn some warmups and techniques while having a great time.

Evernden said it was great to be able to share his passion and inspire the region’s children.
"We’re giving a little bit of skill and instruction to these kids who, some of them, have never played tennis.
"It’s been a lot of fun for us to get out here and see the community of Invercargill and enjoy their hospitality — we’re giving a little bit back."
He said children needed that contact to be "fired up".
"If they don’t see it, they’re not going to try it. We’re just getting kids out here and trying to have some fun with them and show them what tennis is."
Waihopai School teacher Nickalette Marie said the pupils were excited to get such a great opportunity.