A basketball hoop and backboard will be erected at the Tapanui Community Public Playground with the help from the Mataura Licensing Trust (MLT).
At their monthly meeting on Thursday, board members agreed to recommend $5000 of funding from The Trusts Community Foundation (TTCF) for Tapanui West Otago Promotions (TWO Promotions).
TWO Promotions were in the process of upgrading the playground with the addition of new swings, a bike track and a basketball court.
Board member Brendon Murray was happy to recommend the funding.
"I’ve got no issue with it all.
"It’s no different than Mataura getting their basketball hoop."
The hoop will be placed at the Tapanui Community Public Playground.
Other TTCF recommendations made at the meeting included $30,000 to Sport Southland to contribute to the salary of eastern regional co-ordinator Gemma O’Neil, $13,388.69 to Eastern Southland Hockey Association to fund insurance and competition management, $6000 to St Peter’s College for flights and accommodation for six sports teams to attend winter tournaments, and $36,447.76 to Hokonui Fashion Design Awards.
Niagara Falls Bluegrass and Roots festival received $1000 in sponsorship from the MLT.
The money would cover the cost of Portaloos for the event.
Board member Todd Lyders often travelled to event with the Toi Tois Tokanui Lions.
"They’d be very happy with a thousand. They’re very grateful for the Lions."
At its April meeting, the board deferred TTCF recommendations for the Life Education Trust, Menzies Netball Centre and Edendale Rugby Football Club.
This month they made the recommendations.
These included $5000 to Life Education Trust for the annual salary of educator Pip Tisdall, $10,000 to Menzies Netball Centre for steel and netting fencing, and $5000 to the Edendale Rugby Football Club to install new carpet in the clubrooms.