Bombers, Saints, Links looking good for wins

Golf correspondent Michael Minty previews round nine of the metropolitan senior A pennant series.

Taieri Lakes v Otago Bombers

Taieri Lakes host the Bombers in a fixture which has "anything could happen" written all over it. The home side has mathematical but unlikely chance playing finals golf while the Bombers will need to tread with caution here.

Josh Tasman-Jones plays his first game for the Bombers this year but strikes Lakes veteran Brett Kennelly who will be favoured to get the hosts off the mark.

Lakes look good chances in two or three other matches. If these go in favour of the Lakes then we could be in for an upset.

While the Bombers should start favourites, everyone loves an underdog story and one feels Taieri can take this to at least extra holes. From there we will say the Bombers win the playoff.

St Clair Saints v Island Park

The competition leaders have the chance put themselves in pole position with a good win today against a struggling Island Park side who still have plenty to play for including the Blackhead Cup played between the two coastal club rivals.

Island Park need to win today to keep in touch with Chisholm Links for a semifinal opportunity and have put one of their better sides out to test the Saints, with the whole side all former or current members of St Clair.

However, the Saints should be too strong especially in the top order — wins for Park in the top order might be their best chances. Saints 4.5-1.5.

Chisholm Links v Otago B52s

Huge game here for the Links who can claim fourth spot with a win over the second-placed B52s, who are once again without Andrew Hobbs in what seems an odd non-selection but beneficial for the young chargers looking towards finals.

The omission leaves the B52s in a vulnerable spot and on paper the Links will fancy their chances, despite missing Mike Weastell.

Links veteran Kyle Geary has put his hand up to teach Will McLauchlan how to play Links golf in the battle of the No1s.

On paper, though, a win to McLauchlan might be the only shining light for the B52s, especially if the wind picks up. A 4-2 win to the Links gives the B52s a couple of games to add to their games tally.