A rippa of a game, whenever it's played

Amy Turner (15, left), of East Otago High School, looks to move the ball in a Rippa Rugby match...
Amy Turner (15, left), of East Otago High School, looks to move the ball in a Rippa Rugby match at the Edgar Centre yesterday. Photos: Peter McIntosh
Wet weather forced the oval ball indoors but all fun was had by those who took part in a Rippa Rugby festival at the Edgar Centre.

It was was played by pupils from co-educational schools from the wider Dunedin area. The festival was part of a wider New Zealand Rugby trial to open up the game to more people.

Rippa is usually played by children up to 7 as an introduction to the game but the national body want to expand it to others, including those not that keen on contact.

Levi Baxter (15), of Bayfield High School, attempts to evade the outstretched hand of Callum Low ...
Levi Baxter (15), of Bayfield High School, attempts to evade the outstretched hand of Callum Low (15), of Kaikorai Valley College, in their Rippa match yesterday.
Teams are seven-a-side and wear tags which are ripped. It is four rips then the team turns the ball over. There are three player scrums with no pushing, three player lineouts and players can jump.

Kicks are also allowed.

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