Best foot forward

Photo: Phil Coakes
Photo: Phil Coakes
Children get into their stride during the Caversham Harrier & Athletic Club’s Brighton to Green Island road race on Saturday. About 25 children competed in a shortened course of either 1.7km or 2km, while eight walkers and 46 runners took part in the longer 10km race from the Brighton Domain to Green Island. Community runner Dean Walker took the top runner’s spot at 46min 16sec with a 57min handicap and Caversham’s Janice Hughes was the first walker at 1hr 28min 21sec, with a handicap of 23min. The winner of the Butterfield Trophy for the first Caversham Harrier club member was Gordon Wong at 46min 16sec with a handicap of 1hr 4min. Caversham life member John Stinson said the Brighton to Green Island race was originally run by the Abbotsford Harrier club until that club became defunct in 1933. It was then organised by the Caversham club from 1934, and in 1955 it was opened to all Otago harrier clubs as part of the Caversham club’s 50th jubilee celebrations. The race is now run every year by the club, and every four or five years it is opened up to other Dunedin clubs.