Established a year ago by Mr Berryman, a real estate agent and keen philanthropist, the 100 Plus People Who Care scheme aims to connect charities directly with local donors through quarterly funding rounds.
"We have been able to hold four meetings to date, and have managed to raise and donate $3000-$3500 each meeting to a local charity, as well as providing direct support in other ways," Mr Berryman said.
He is eager to grow the group’s numbers from the 30-40 regular members, who are currently taking part in the scheme as investors — donating $100 each round.
"The name of the group is aspirational, but if we can grow our numbers to 100, we will be able to distribute $10,000 each funding round. And that would be fantastic," Mr Berryman said.
The 100 Plus People Who Care concept, which originated in the United States, involves a three-monthly meeting where three nominated charities have five minutes to give a presentation about their work and describe what funding is needed for.
Members then vote on which of the three charities should receive the money and fulful their commitment to donate $100 through a specially set-up Givealittle page during the following week.
The only criteria for the charities is that they be a registered charity and that the funds be spent in Dunedin.
"It has worked really well so far, as not only does one charity receive the funds, but the other charities have also often had direct, practical support from individual members," Mr Berryman said.
"It’s great for those in a position to help to be able to make a direct connection to charities in need."
The feedback from the organisations that had been given the opportunity to present to the 100 Plus People Who Care members was very positive, as charities were pleased to be able to raise awareness among business circles.
"Over and above the money donated, it is a good way for generous business people and those in a position to help to become aware of specific needs in their own community."
"People often connect with people in-person more than they would just reading something or hearing something," he said.
In its first funding round, held in August, 2023, 100 Plus People Who Care donated $3164.75 to the Dunedin Night Shelter.
This was followed in November with a donation of $3009.50 to Catholic Social Services, in February with a donation of $3394.50 to St Kilda Surf Life Saving Club, and in May with a donation of $3578.75 to Otepoti Dunedin Whanau refuge.
"It is a really good feeling to have been able to do so much good in the community through the scheme, and I am very keen to keep things going and expand so that more charities can benefit," Mr Berryman said.
Any potential investors who would like more information, or to sign up, are welcome to contact Mr Berryman by email at nick.berryman@bayleys.co.nz, by phoning 027 841 2832, or by searching for the scheme on Facebook/Instagram.
• The next meeting/funding round for 100 Plus People Who Care will be held on Wednesday, August 21, at Otago Golf Club.
The event will start at 6pm with a social hour, followed by the meeting at 7pm.